Assemblies are whole school assembly. Each P-6 class is responsible for organising an assembly throughout the year. These are held at 8.45am to 9:30am on Friday, as indicated on the term planner and in the newsletter. Parents and family members are encouraged to attend.
Students are presented with Merit Certificates at these assemblies. If your child is to receive a certificate you will be contacted.
The final assembly of the year is a year K-5 Book Awards Assembly where the following awards are presented;
- Endeavour Award (one student in each year K-6 class)
- Academic Achievement Award (one student in each year PP-6 class)
- Values Award (one student in each year K- 6 class)
- Specialist Subject Awards
A Graduation Ceremony is held for the graduating Year 6 students in the final week of school. Awards are also presented.